Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Party Dress


(Part fiction - part fact)

Kerry was a quiet, shy girl who lived and attended school in Mt Pocono, Pennsylvania. She was often described as "cute", with her dusty blond hair, blue eyes and small features. Ten years old and she had never been invited to a birthday party. Oh, she did have friends, but their families couldn't afford parties - the same as her family. At times, a left out feeling would nag at her when she would overhear some of her classmates talking about the fun they had. Mostly though, she accepted things as they had to be. At least she had a loving close family and was happy with that. Kerry had a sister Eline, eight years older than she was, who was very thoughtful and giving. She was always good to her little sister. Kerry looked up to her and someday wanted to be just like her, even including her beautiful long dark brown hair.

It was fairly close to her own birthday in October, when she received an invitation in the mail from a new girl in school. Her name was Didi . They had hit it off that year from the very first day. Didi's family had moved to Mt. Pocono from France. They were American, but Didi's father spent two years working there as a Developmental Analyst with the 3M company. Before that, they had lived in Northeast Philadelphia. Having spent a vacation in the Poconos years earlier, they were anxious to someday live there.

Running to her Mother with the invitation in hand, she squealed, "Mom, I'm invited to a dress up birthday party for Didi - can I go, please! " You can go Kerry, but there is no money for a new dress. I'm so sorry." Knowing that anything in her closet was old or second-hand, disappointment set in. Kerry thought, "maybe I can find something", but she really knew better.

That evening, when her sister came home from her job at Singer Sewing & Craft she saw her sister quietly sitting in the pinkish stuffed chair that sat just inside the front door. "Why so glum, Kerry?" "I've been invited to a party, but I can't get a new dress. I don't want to go if I can't look pretty too." Eline softly said, "I understand, I really do. Something will turn up - you just wait and see."

It was two days before the party and nothing had turned up just as she had figured. As her Mother took in the mail that day, she said, "There's something here for you Kerry." What? I never get anything in the mail, what could it be?' She excitedly opened the blue envelope and inside was a check for $50 and a note. The note said, "Buy yourself that dress you want- have a great time at your party. Love, Eline" Kerry realized that Eline had sent it through the mail for it to be a big surprise even though she wouldn't be there to see her reaction. That was Eline. It all happened a long time ago. She and I are quite elderly now and that eight year gap - not as wide any more. I wonder if she knows how that one act of kindness to her little sister is affectionately remembered and is stored away never to be forgotten. I should tell her!

1 comment:

Barb Dee Mom said...

I almost cried...the characters seem SO familiar :-)
Called that person again (she forgot already) and reminded her.
What a great story!