By: Jeanne
Once upon a time there was a little boy by the name of Jimmy who when he was told to pick up his room, would always just say "I forgot", whether he really did or not.
That night he had a visitor in his room by the name of Mr. Jeeves. Mr. Jeeves took Jimmy to a little town where only children lived and they all seemed so very busy. In the first house they visited, a girl was sweeping the floor. Just when she would finish sweeping, dirt covered the floor again. You see, when her mother would ask if she swept the floor, she would answer, "I forgot". The same thing happened at all the other houses. There was the boy who never finished chopping wood for the fire, the girl who never finished drying the dishes, the boy who never finished brushing the dog.
When he felt that Jimmy had seen enough, Jeeves took him back to his bedroom. Jimmy woke up and was sure it must have been a dream. (But was it)? He was so happy, he swore he would always do his chores and never say, "I forgot" again.

"If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older." Tom Stoppard
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