My name is Rhianna. I'm eight years old. I live with my beautiful Mother and handsome Father in a house on a very busy street. Cars just whiz by, one after the other. Sometimes I sit by the window looking out at each one and wonder where they are going, and are they happy. Oh, I forgot! I have a very pesky brother two years older than me. His name is Donald (like in duck), although I can think of other names I want to call him, not as nice as "Donald".
Tomorrow is Valentine's day. I have all my valentines ready to pass out in school. I have one for each student in my class. My Mom says that it wouldn't be nice to leave anyone out and maybe hurt their feelings. That sounded right to me, so I made sure I had one for everybody. That night as I was lying in bed, I thought about the ones I would receive and how special each one would be to me.
The next morning I was excited - school would be more fun today. The buzzer sounded for class to begin. I looked around at the almost empty classroom. It was just me and about five other kids at our desks. Our teacher, Mrs. Conroy stood up at her big desk at the front of the classroom. She told us that there were two school buses which broke down and the children riding on them would not make it to school today. Oh no! Now they won't get my valentines and I won't get theirs. Mrs. Conroy told us to just leave the valentines on the empty desks. They would get them tomorrow. It just won't be the same somehow!
After school, I held on tight to my five valentines. I didn't want to lose not even one. When I got home, with moist eyes, I told my Mother what happened, that most of the class weren't even there. She tried to make me feel better, but the day was ruined for me. "Hey, little one, I have something for you." It was Pesky himself. Now why would I want anything from someone whose main goal in life was to tease me? He had something in his hand - it looked like a big envelope. Inside was the most beautiful valentine I ever did see. With big tears in my eyes, I thanked him, hugged him and said, "You're not so bad after all, big brother.
Tomorrow is Valentine's day. I have all my valentines ready to pass out in school. I have one for each student in my class. My Mom says that it wouldn't be nice to leave anyone out and maybe hurt their feelings. That sounded right to me, so I made sure I had one for everybody. That night as I was lying in bed, I thought about the ones I would receive and how special each one would be to me.
The next morning I was excited - school would be more fun today. The buzzer sounded for class to begin. I looked around at the almost empty classroom. It was just me and about five other kids at our desks. Our teacher, Mrs. Conroy stood up at her big desk at the front of the classroom. She told us that there were two school buses which broke down and the children riding on them would not make it to school today. Oh no! Now they won't get my valentines and I won't get theirs. Mrs. Conroy told us to just leave the valentines on the empty desks. They would get them tomorrow. It just won't be the same somehow!
After school, I held on tight to my five valentines. I didn't want to lose not even one. When I got home, with moist eyes, I told my Mother what happened, that most of the class weren't even there. She tried to make me feel better, but the day was ruined for me. "Hey, little one, I have something for you." It was Pesky himself. Now why would I want anything from someone whose main goal in life was to tease me? He had something in his hand - it looked like a big envelope. Inside was the most beautiful valentine I ever did see. With big tears in my eyes, I thanked him, hugged him and said, "You're not so bad after all, big brother.
(Watch for my next story/tale)
Mom love your story!
Good blog, nice story! Yet, don't you think every author should strive to create new creatures, the classical, öld like vampires, elves, dwarfs, wizards with sharp hats, fairies, etc. are too ordinary already? That's why I try some new in some of my books (Tale Of The Rock Pieces, The Opposite Of Magic, Kids'Funny Business, etc (weightless korks, glowing, living balls, Brown faces, fiery men, one-eyeds, night fruit, rock pieces, fish-keepers, etc...), do you think I'm right?
Will be glad to read some of your other stories! Keep writing! Let the wonderful noise of the sea always sounds in your ears! (a greeting of the water dragons'hunters - my Tale Of The Rock Pieces).
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