Wednesday, November 23, 2011


                                                                            By:  Jeanne

It was almost the end of November and the cold had set in through this northern New England fishing village.  In a few weeks, Christmas would arrive here in Maine and everywhere else around the world.  Eight year old Nattie was so excited.  She had made up her list of what she would like for Christmas - a short hopeful list. At the top of that list was a request that her Mom and Dad, who were serving their country would be home for that magical day.  She sent the list to Santa, his helpers and even Mrs. Santa in an effort to make her requests come true, especially her number 1 wish.

But this day her Pop-Pop came to her and gently explained that her parents had received their orders and they would not be home with her for Christmas.  She was so disappointed, but was determined not to let it show, because she knew her grandparents were disappointed too.

Nattie went to bed that night feeling sad, but there was still some hope shining in her heart.  In the middle of the night she awoke to a noise in the dark corner of her room.  The bright moon outside her window lit up most of the room, but not that dark corner.  "Who is there?", she asked.  "Please come out so I can see you."  A wee little person slowly emerged.  He was dressed in green from his stocking hat to his boot covered feet.  He had a pencil nose and pointed ears.  "Who are you", she asked.  "And why do you have a paint brush in your hand?"  He answered, "Well, it's like this.  At this time of the year, it is my job to send all special requests and sticky issues on to him by way of a direct line.  I paint children's wishes on fallen tree leaves and send them on for his Yea or Nay.  Those he  selects, I  hang back on the tree." 

With tears beginning to form in her eyes, Nattie murmured, "I have a sticky issue".  "That I know my girl, which is why I'm here in the first place.  Do you want me to paint your request on a leaf or not?"  Nattie said, "Oh yes please, please.  If only my Mom and Dad could be here for Christmas."

Remembering her manners, she sat up straighter in her bad and inquired, "Can I please ask your name?"  He replied, "My name is Tyarad and in answer to your next question, in Elfish it means magic leaves."  Nattie laughed and said,  "A perfect name Tyarad, but how did you know what I was thinking?"  "I know many things", he answered. She didn't understand why it was, but she did believe him.  He then told her that it was time he returned to his job - so many requests, but few more important than hers.  "I know just the leaf I will use for your request.  It sparkles with many beautiful colors.  It surely will get his attention."  She blinked and that quickly, he was gone.

The next morning Nattie opened her eyes and slowly began to remember the dream she had in the night.  Or was it a dream?  The more she thought about it, the more real it became.  She told her Gran about it, but Gran said, "Well of course it was a dream honey.  It came to you in your sleep because of your disappointing news about Christmas."  Nattie responded, "Maybe Gran, but it did seem so very real - like Tyarad was actually there.  And how could I possibly dream up that name?"

Later that day Nattie was wandering along the shore jumping from rock to rock when she heard her name being called.  Pop-Pop??  She watched him come running toward her shouting something in a very excited way which she couldn't quite make out.  When he reached her, he placed his hands on her shoulders and declared, "Nattie, I can't believe it, but your Mom and Dad's orders have been reversed for some unknown reason and they will be home for Christmas after all.

Together, they cheerfully walked hand in hand back to the house.  Gran was standing just inside the screen door wearing a beaming smile .  As the two of them passed under a huge maple tree just a few feet away from the porch, a perfectly shaped leaf fell from the almost leafless tree.  It sparkled with many beautiful colors and landed directly at Nettie's feet.  In that instant,  she knew, she knew.

It would be a wonderful Christmas this year.

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