Friday, January 20, 2012

A St. Valentine (Valentinus) Story (By Jeanne)

Valentinus lived in ancient Rome.  Rome was then the center of the civilized world and was ruled by the sometimes cruel Emperor, Claudius II.   Valentinus was kind to everyone.   He walked the streets of Rome searching out the poor, disabled and disfigured, helping them in any way he could.

One day, he happened upon an old begging man who had no legs.  He went to the town well, carrying back water to wash and comfort him   He squeezed some water from a cloth into his red sore eyes to help ease their pain.  Then he took him upon his back and walked toward the sea.

When there, he built a shelter to keep the old man protected from the elements.  As he was walking away, he assured the man he would be back each day to check on him, bring him food, clothing or anything else he had a need for.  The old man said, "My son, I will never forget this kindness.  It will be returned to you one day when you feel that all is lost."

A week passed and Valentinus kept his promise.  He never missed a day.  One bright morning as he was heading down to the sea, he stopped to help another seemingly unfortunate, but this one was a wicked man who accused Valentinus of robbing him.  The Emperor's jailers came and put him behind bars in a dirty, wet and smelly dungeon.  He lost hope of ever seeing the outside world again.

Fabius, one of his jailers was a good man who was never harsh with the prisoners.  Valentinus and he became friends.  Eventually they discussed their families.  Fabius told him about his blind and deaf three year old daughter Alena.  Valentinus asked him to bring her to him.  She would be safe standing outside the cell away from other prisoners.

The next morning Fabius came to work accompanied by his little Alena.  Valentinus put his hands through the bars of his cell and gently placed them on her head, while murmuring hushed words.  The next day Fabius went to Valentinus' cell and kissed him on both cheeks.  "It is a miracle", he cried.  "My baby can see me - she can hear my voice.  I will repay you in the only way I know how." 

That evening, Valentinus found his cell door ajar.  He thought back to the words of the legless man.  As those words lingered in his head, he became concerned.  Days had passed when he wasn't able to keep his promise.  He was making his way down the cobbled stone street to the sea to check on him when he came across a young couple hiding in some bushes.  "Why do you hide this night?", he asked.  They told him of Emperor Claudius' men seeking out couples where one is Christian to separate them forever.  "We were almost caught when we spied this thick greenery and hid ourselves."  They added, "We love each other and wish to marry, but all the priests are fearful. Once we are married, it will be against Roman law to separate us."

"Never abandon hope"' he said. "Though I know of Emperor Claudius'
hate  for Christians". " I am a cleric, but disguise myself, so I may continue to attend to those in need  without being discovered.  Stand before me now and I will bless you both in marriage."  They tearfully thanked him and told him they would never forget him.  "Our hearts are yours", they said.

With a lantern in hand because darkness was descending, he continued his trek 
to visit his friend by the sea.   To his shock, the legless man was no longer there, nor any sign of him. "Where could he be?" Valentinus wondered. "How could he have managed with no legs?.  He then caught sight of writing in the sand.  He held the lantern over the words.  It said -

"As a man thinks in his heart, so he is" - (Solomon)

The End

(Story based on some facts)

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